The problem with conspiracy and the theories derived from it, is that it can cause a person to become stagnant. Now, I'm not even going to delve into the idea of whether conspiracy theories are true or not, because, that is a long fuckin road. Many of the theories are believable, however, just because you are opening your mind to a conspiracy or the theory therein, does not necessarily grant you the right to say you are gaining knowledge. Conspiracies are bountiful, and some have managed to make their way thru many years of questioning or even revisions. Let's look at the subject from a layman's point of view. What does a conspiracy theory do to the average person's mind? It creates a huge question mark, that causes a huge pause in a person's daily progression mentally. It's like a rabit hole. We've all done it. We click on this, which leads us to this picture, that article, the videos, the documentary, the interviews, and the autopsy photos, confessions, and spider web of lies and deceit, etc., it can be never ending if you don't pull yourself out of it. However, what did you accomplish in that time? Jack squat. Even though you became privy to all of this information, what did you do about it? Jack squat.
It can be debilitating. It can be overwhelming as well, because the conspiracy can grow to be so big that you're overcome sense of weakness or paralysis. Im not saying whether the conspiracy theory is either true or untrue, but, what does it contribute to in your own personal life? Just the questioning alone can break someone down into a psychotic break. I'm not saying you shouldn't question things. It's healthy to question all things. However, these rabbit holes we feel so compelled to go down, do nothing, but, push us further into a submissive state of mind. If you do go down the rabbit hole, you have to try and maintain a strong mental stability, and that's just to survive the whirlwind. Sometimes tho, these conspiracy theories are distractions from your everyday life. What does a conspiracy theory do, other than raise awareness anyway? We've all seen how well that works out, with Cancer, Aids, and any other foundation that comes along with an agenda. Research however, is quite significant, and is questionably the best method of getting the proper information. However, research you do on your own, is always the best bet. Unless, you are researching something that you yourself cannot research on your own and you have to rely on someone else's forray into the subject. Even then, believe the research and not what the conspiracy theory, says, is research.
People can get carried away with these theories, and lose their minds in the process. Maintain common sense in these types of situations, and funnel it thru your thought process first. Put it into perspective as well. Why are you wanting this to be true or not? Does it even apply to you or your well being? Are you adamant about this conspiracy theory because it holds true or are you becoming a proponent of fear? There's propaganda against almost everything and everyone at some point, so, you need to be sure you aren't party to perpetuating an endless smear campaign. Sometimes the conspiracy gives us a sense of validation. Sometimes we use these conspiracy theories to grant ourselves a sense of self importance. We're all just guessing
in the end, and no amount of speculation can remove the amount of work it would take to fix the issue in the first place. Sometimes being practical and understanding the position we are in, helps to clarify what's real and what isn't....or rather....what's worth the worry and what isn't. Until then, what are you worried for? Can you fix it? Can you change it? Can you avoid it? If not, then you have so much living to do, to be afraid of living at all. Perhaps, conspiring could be better utilized on yourself and your future. Just a thought. - 925