Sometimes, the ideas come sharp, and pierce thru everything, so much that I almost have to instantaneously get them onto paper in some way. Other times, the ideas form, but, their luminosity is delayed. So, I have a method of dealing with this as a filter, between what I really wanna do, and what is just a fleeting emotion. I get an idea, and if it's enticing enough, I right to work on it, without hesitation. Regardless of what unfinished projects I have, I jump on that idea quick because I'm inspired and don't want to lose that inspiration. If that's not the case, and it reveals itself to be a good idea, yet, no spark behind it....I let it wade, in the back of my mind. I do this to filter out the promising projects. I know that if I'm excited about a project, I will put more of myself into it. So, as the ideas sit, I determine over time whether these ideas are still important or not. If they prove, still interesting or challenging, then I will move forward on those pieces. Now, in the meantime, I may abandon the projects and return later to resume them. Usually if they are abandoned, it's because other ideas have taken priority. Now, sometimes, there are ideas, that I am afraid of. These ideas are usually very challenging and I become hesitant, on starting them. This is a real issue sometimes, because these ideas are good solid ideas, but, I get overwhelmed by the task and the difficulty, that I let them sit. Mostly, I let them sit, because I know it's going to take a long time, and I need more than 30 minute increments to tackle it. It's different, if its been started already, and the increments are for tweaking and adjusting. Which is why I wait til the weekend, for major projects, because I don't have to work and can just settle in and get started on something. I know, in order to battle this, I need to just dive into it. I'm trying, to get over this. It happens mostly with detailed pieces, or paintings. I'm usually pleased with the results tho. So maybe that can motivate me as well. No time like today right?     -  925