I get confused these days when people get on a soap box about things, especially on social media, because that's where I see it occur the most. People are quick to volley their opinions into a realm that is pretty much an open forum, with careless abandon. It's pretty standard, how people go off and spout off regurgitated rhetoric, and I say that, because most of it isn't original to begin with. It's a narrow point of view to begin with. Couple that, with the lack of rational thought behind any majority of it, and it's sad to watch and sadder to read. The thing that kind of stifles me in this curious back and forth, is the subtext way in which most of it is said to begin with. Then the other thing, is the unapologetic mind state, when these folks go off on a tangent based rant, because they "have the floor". Which is something that, honestly, I can appreciate. Having the courage, passion, and conviction to stand for whatever ideals you have is honorable, but; let us not forget, that Hitler was once a passionate didn't make him right. So, just because you have a fervent tongue and a steadfast opinion, does not in the least make you right.

In saying this, when I see and read people (strangers and even people I know), posting and regurgitating this opinionated bias, its saddens me. It's as if nobody does any research before they decide to speak about a specific topic. If you could provide rational thought, backed by actual proof and knowledge, you might actually garner more sympathizers. Instead, people don't think before speaking, because it's easier to apologize for opinionated temporary loss of insanity, than to research the topic, and speak from a position of intelligent confidence. It's quite obvious from an even semi-intelligent human being's, point of view. People will do this, with religion and politics mostly, but, it can extend into other subjects as well. Yet, the basis for these little outbursts, is usually based on experience or acting as a defense mechanism. Both of which, are emotionally driven, and gain no traction in rational or intelligent thought. I just fail to understand, how people will take the opportunity to express opinion without first attempting to funnel it thru facts. That's the other thing, it's usually not an opinion on a subject that is personal, but, on a widely known topic where there is history and fact about that particular issue. For instance, if I say, I hate pistachios because I don't like how they taste, its my opinion. However, if I say I don't like pistachios because, I just don't like certain types of berries....well, then I just sound moronic. This is what I mean, people have gotten so used to speaking their mind, and saying things without thinking, that there is no filter anymore.

It's important to speak your mind, to have an opinion and to voice it, however, you shouldn't subject others to your lack of knowledge. People should think before they speak. People should take into account facts and history, before they speak. It's one thing to have a lack of knowledge and attempt to speak, but it's a whole other ballpark to completely ignore a history of facts. Both of these things, make the speaker sound infantile, and unintelligent. Social media has given an outlet to every Tom, Dick, and Harry, to express an opinion, however, it has also shortened our attention spans. Therefore, so many people are blind or ignorant, to a

whole history of a subject, which is odd given the extensive amount of information available to anyone at any time on the internet. Opinion is not fact, even if it's coming out of the mouth of someone famous. Opinion in place of facts, doesn't make it a fact either. It's so easy to have an opinion, instead of stating a fact, because people have become lazy. Besides, apparently saying stupid off the wall, rant esque type of nonsense, is what's making people popular these days, so there's really no incentive. Maybe, I should give it a try? Nah, being a thinker suits me just fine, and I like knowing the truth about things, it helps me not lose my mind and slip into stupidity.     -  925