I read an article the other day, about how the CDC, is saying that it has become more common that people age 50 and over, are being diagnosed with more mental health issues. I am no medical expert, but, using a bit of rational logic, I became skeptic of the article and it's information. The CDC listed some of the percentages, and types of mental conditions facing these people, and for what it's worth, it seems rather explainable. Anxiety and depression, for instance, at age 50 makes sense to me, why wouldn't it? Given recent history, and the position some of these people have been put in, and also with the shift of societal norms, it would make sense that the conditions exist. It's explainable, but, to diagnose it as a mental condition seems rather far reaching maybe. As I stated before, I'm no expert, but, they were over diagnosing kids with ADHD, when they're just being damn kids. So, once again, the rational side of me says hmmmm, something's not right. Could it be, the medical establishment is once again jumping the gun to diagnose this age group, as having multiple mental disorders, when they are easily explainable? Maybe, this was a ploy to excuse the behavior of late, of some of the older age groups, given types like Donald Trump, spouting off with no filter. This came from the CDC tho, so that didn't make sense to me politically.

Then something dawned on me, maybe this article/research was, in fact, written on purpose. If you look at the some of the health issues facing, that particular age group, and couple that with the recent dramatic changes in healthcare and it's coverage. Then you start to get the feeling that, maybe this was written on purpose to sway doctors into looking for the signs, in order to seek a common diagnosis. Almost like an epidemic of sorts, that has sprouted out of nowhere, due to a tiny article published by the CDC. Then, it occurred to me, could it be a ploy to get these people the drugs they need? However, the rational business sense in me, shot that down when I thought about who benefits the most in this situation. Would it be the patients diagnosed, that would benefit from having heaps of medications thrown at them? It would make them docile and more pliable in society, making it easier for the younger generations, but, that sounds to sinister. Pharmaceutical companies. This would be the major benefactor in this type of situation, because doctors could diagnose/prescribe almost at free will, due to the "research".

So, seeking a root if why, I analyzed the problem further. If pharmaceutical companies would greatly benefit from this diagnosis and research, why did they feel it a necessity to publish the article? There has been a culture shock of sorts, and all of this, which can be easily explained and remedied with counseling, requires drugs? Why? Then it just moved forward in my mind, slowly making itself apparent....marijuana. Marijuana was legalized in several states lately, for recreational and medicinal purposes, and I believe the pharmaceutical companies took big financial losses due to this. So my thought, is that for a lot if people who were taking pills for these disorders, have shifted to marijuana as a cheaper and safer alternative. To combat this, pharmaceutical companies teamed up with the CDC to create a new client base. By making the diagnosis basis broader, you can get coverage from healthcare coverage companies, and also get back some of the clients who turned to marijuana as an alternative.

It sounds like a conspiracy theory, I know, but, marijuana is still beneficial to so many, because it is a safer, cheaper, alternative to man made drugs. So before you go off thinking Uncle Ricky, is a belligerent asshole, or Aunty Marsha is manic depressive, maybe you should pass them the dutchy and save a few dollars, while extending their well-being.   -  925